You are interested in writing a thesis in the field of experimental particle physics?
We offer topics for bachelor and master theses on current research questions focussing on the reconstruction of hadronic signals in the ATLAS detector. An overview of the topics currently available in our junior research group can be found in moodle. Below you can find an overview of the theses written so far in our group on this topic.
If you are interested in one of the currently available topics, or if you would like to discuss other possiblities or topics in the field of particle physics, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to a chat with you.

Completed theses
Master theses
Giulia Fazzino | Suppressing pile-up contributions in the formation of topological clusters in ATLAS | September 2024 |
Jan Jäkel | Jet-Lepton Overlap Removal Optimization in context of the boosted H to WW to lnuqq measurement using Run 2 data in ATLAS | April 2024 |
Simone Ruscelli | Feasibility studies for the extraction of the efficiency of boosted W/Z identification algorithms in diboson events using 13 TeV proton-proton collisions in ATLAS | September 2023 |
Bachelor theses
Joel Koch | Quark versus gluon tagging in the forward direction using topo-towers with the ATLAS detector | August 2023 |
Bastian Schuchardt | Achievable performance of boosted object identification algorithms using machine learning techniques in ATLAS | Juli 2023 |
Simon Unterste-Wilms | Performance of boosted object identification in fast simulation at the ATLAS Experiment | Februar 2023 |