Currently available topics for theses
Neue Technologien - Monolithische Aktive Pixel Detektoren (MAPS)
- Abschlussarbeitsthemen
- Detektorentwicklung
Bei Pixel Detektoren erlaubt der industrielle Fortschritt inzwischen, das sensitive Element des Detektors (Sensor) zusammen mit der Ausleseelektronik (Auslesechip) im selben Stück Silizium zu implementieren. Moderne, kleine Strukturgrößen erlauben es weiterhin, komplizierte Schaltungen in jedem einzelnen Pixel zu implementieren (aktive Pixel Detektoren). Wir arbeiten an der Charakterisierung verschiedener Modelle solcher MAPS Detektoren.
Abschlussarbeiten sind hier möglich in der Untersuchung verschiedener Eigenschaften der MAPS Detektoren im Labor, sowie in der Weiterentwicklung der Auslesesoftware.
Offers for Theses
We offer topics for theses (bachelor, master, and PhD theses) on current research questions at any time.
At the bottom of this page you can find an overview of currently available topics for theses. Further information as well as the respective contact persons you should get in touch with if you are interested in writing a thesis in our working group can be found using the following links. They take you directly to the detailed pages of the respective research field. There, in addition to the currently available topics, you will also find an overview of the theses already completed in this field.
If there is currently no suitable topic listed here for you, please feel free to get in touch with the respective contact persons to discuss further possibilities or individual topic suggestions.